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Hello There !

I'm Matthew Stracey.

I'm an ambitious and determined third year student pursuing a degree in Games Technology (BSc). Currently studying C# and C++ and using them in conjunction with games engines such as Unity and Unreal.

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My Work

SPH Fluid Sim

Developing as an individual third year university project, this is my attempt at a smoothed-particle hydrodynamics simulation. This is done via graphics programming, scripting compute shaders on the GPU.

Core skills used:

  • Unity Engine

  • Research

  • C#

  • HLSL


In Development!

Unity Car Sim

Developed as an individual third year university project, this project demonstrates accurate car physics. This includes suspension, steering, rpm and wheel slip.

Core skills used:

  • Unity Engine

  • Research

  • C#

  • Engine lighting


More Info coming soon!

vr thumb.gif

Unity Space VR

Developed as an individual second year university project, this VR escape room is an example of my ability to use VR technology to create an immersive experience. incorporating complex puzzles.

Core skills used:

  • Unity Engine

  • XR rigging

  • C#

  • Game design



The Shepherd

During my second year, the reason for this project was to explore the power of Unreal and its graphics. This was also a chance to develop visual scripting in Unreal, to prepare me for developing in C++

Core skills used:

  • Unreal Engine

  • Visual scripting

  • Game Design


More Info coming soon!

Mobile Tower Defence

Developed as an introduction to mobile development, using Unity, I created a tower defence game that consisted of the player being able to create their own roads in the game.

Core skills used:

  • Unity Engine

  • Problem solving

  • C#

  • UI/UX development




Developing as a Collaborative Third year project, I'm working on the core gameplay mechanics for kebabification. Currently working on a team of 5, we focused the game on unique selling points that produces satisfaction.

Core skills used:

  • Unity Engine

  • Project management

  • Q/A Testing

  • Teamwork

  • C#

  • Communication skills


In Development!

Ball Stars

Developed as an Collaborative Third year project, I worked on the core gameplay mechanics for Ball stars. The team worked together with the goal of releasing to market in the near future.

Core skills used:

  • Unity Engine

  • Project management

  • Q/A Testing

  • Teamwork

  • C#

  • Communication skills


More Info coming soon!

Depth Charge

Developed as an Collaborative second year project, I worked on the core mechanics for Depth charge. This was to develop more in depth experience working in a team, which included working with designers, artists and other programmers.

Core skills used:

  • Unity Engine

  • Teamwork

  • C#

  • Communication skills


thumbnail demo.gif


As part as a collaborative project, I was responsible for the core gameplay mechanics and UI of this 2.5D game. I utilised my skills in C# and knowledge of unity physics and rigid bodies to create the main features of movement. I also incorporated new C# features including Unity events to accurately present the UI in the game.

Core skills used:

  • Unity Engine

  • C#

  • Teamwork

  • UI

  • Communication skills

C++ Battleships

Developed in my first year at university for my introduction to C++, I created a fully fledged battleships game. This challenging experience allowed to to explore a different language and helped me better understand coding standards.

Core skills used:

  • C++

  • Visual Studio

  • Problem solving


Personal Projects


I had always wanted to explore robotics as it is a keen interest of mine. Using a Raspberry Pi Robot kit created by the company Freenove, I assembled this spider and started creating some Python scripts to make the spider do some custom actions.

Chat GPT text to speech

When I started learning about this AI called Chat GPT, I wanted to spend some time exploring the API. I had realised at the time of making this that Chat GPT had no automatic  text to speech options. So, with the Elevenlabs API, I created this small python script which allows the user to have a conversation with Chat GPT and generate its response in TTS.

These companies API software are publicly available

Chat GPT is an AI developed by Open AI, find it here:

Elevenlabs is a software that generates text to speech, find it here:


About Me.

From a very young age, I always had a fascination with new and exciting technologies. I continue to be inspired every year that goes by, watching the world continue to evolve and develop. This has made me want to become a part of this exciting time that we live in, and has pushed me to develop new skills and work on meaningful projects.

Studying at Anglia Ruskin, I have learned to work with the Unreal and Unity game engines, where I have developed my skills in  C#/C++ programming languages, writing scripts and learning how to develop for 3D environments. Whilst being there I have also worked with fellow peers, developing my communication and team working skills.

I am someone who is always wanting to find and learn new skills, so I will usually spend my free time exploring areas that I'm interested in. For the past decade, this has included software development, electronics, upgrading PC gaming rigs (my own and friends/ relatives), robotics and musical instruments. When learning these skills, I have come across times where something breaks and needs repairing. When this happens, I prefer to fix the issue myself, rather than paying for it to get repaired or simply buying a new one. My repairs have not just been in areas of my interests, as I have been known to fix other common breakages such as household appliances. As you can probably guess from my university studies, I of course have an interest in playing video games, and I will usually spend my time playing them when wanting to relax.

Throughout my teen years, I have had a continued interest in learning musical instruments. It started at the age of 13, where I had my first drumming lesson. Since then, I have gone on to achieve a Trinity grade 8 qualification, and I am actively looking to find a band to jam with. I have started to learn new instruments including the bass guitar. At this moment in time, I am also actively learning acoustic guitar left handed. I am naturally right handed, but I decided to learn the opposite way round to avoid issues due to a slight hand restriction. 



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities.

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07572 965681

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